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Our Latest dive into the wrestler's psyche

Scotty, or Mister Pissed, on why people don't ask him about his kilt

Fantastic Fro: Scotty, Do you ever get made fun of because you wear what looks like a skirt?

Scotty: It's not a skirt! My father wore one just like it, and his father, and his father's father. But I suppose someone does get a bit feisty about it with me every once in a while, but you know what I do?

Fantastic Fro: No.

Scotty: I give 'em a swift kick in the goonies, and then another one, and then another. And then, as soon as they're on the floor, I bash in their teeth with a melon baller.

Fantastic Fro: I'm assuming that people learn quickly not to ask about it?

Scotty: Aye, that they do. But, the girls all think I'm dead sexy.

A mature man; Actual size=180 pixels wide

This is Scotty's grandpa who was already on the website when FF started making it, you can see where he gets his eyebrows