Can't wait to hear from those witty wrastlin' rascals can you? Click on the name of your favorite wrestler to e-mail him: Fantastic Fro - The retired wrestler that keeps this site alive Brian Perfect - He's perfect! The Vaculator - No on can withstand his Commie Power Sugar Buzz - This kid doesn't need caffeine Peteburg- He is da man...with painted on chest hair!! Scotty (Mister Pissed)- Don't make fun of his kilt Shawn Michaels - In his favorite Alliance! Petedogg- Its that P to the E to the T to the E to the D to the O to the double G its petedogg!! Jolly Green Giant - They just don't make clothes big enough Chinois- He has some red snapper strength Positively Burlesque Ron- Shes sexy and shes the shit Tiedye Boyz- They will make u Tiedyeify!!! Ambiguously Gay Interviewer: He would love to dip into your male! He'll spank you red if you send him heterosexual mail! Mr. Bubbles- Did you ever blow bubbles when you were a kid??? Well he's back in town and he wants your number!! They've got busy schedules, with events happening all over the world, but they've still got time to listen to you, the fans. |